Masterclasses & Workshops
The theatre of Katie Mitchell
Stillness and temparature. Exercises and dramaturgical exploration of this important figure of contemporary European Theatre.
“To make a text written however many hundred years ago live now in a way that to a director is satisfactory – sometimes cutting can be a way of doing that, or making certain dramaturgical choices. ”
Frantic stillness - noisy silence
'Something is only as loud as the silence on either side'. (John Cage)
This workshop explores the importance of the non verbal in theatre. Examples from writers like Pinter and Beckett are only the frame for the silences, the pauses, the stillness. Participants will be guided through a series of kin-aesthetic exercises.
“It’s not lines, it’s the life.”
Where do words go when we have said them?
Using examples from writers such as Shakespeare, Dylan Thomas, Louis de Bernieres and others, all well as self-written poetry this workshop looks at ways of making the lyrical, the poetic 'work' in the performance space. Participants will work with tableaux and music.
From a thought to a piece of theatre. Devising
Using an existing example as a blueprint (involving script development, side specific aspects, song/ lyrics and composition and puppetry) the workshop examines criteria for creating a performance piece from scratch.
Ideas grow from walking
Exploration of a site-specific approach to performance. Catching the glimpses of the sea, the light in a forest or the noise of a city...there is a space as big as the light. Participants will experience impromptu performances and ‘hidden’ theatre.
Making the familiar strange
Using techniques of the Berliner Ensemble this workshop will get closer to Brecht – the storyteller.
“Theatre must arouse delight in knowledge and organize pleasurable festive feelings at the changing of reality.”
Writing for the Stage
An approach to play-writing, using 'stream of consciousness'. The participants will develop characters and create dialogue and work with actors to bring their developed moments of theatre to life.
“I try to learn his technique but it’s frustrating because I never caught him acting.”
Physical Theatre
Using techniques of Grotowski and Artaud this workshop will let the participants experience the thinking of these two giants of theatre-making in a practical way.
“Why do we sacrifice so much energy for our art?”
What does Augusto Boal teach us?
Practical exploration of Forum theatre, Image theatre and ‘Rainbow of Desire’. Boal’s theory proposes that Western or traditional theatre was a way to oppress the people and maintain the status quo and therefore the presence of the ruling class.
The hands are speaking
An exploration of ‘minuscule’ movement/storytelling, using aspects of eastern theatre styles.
Shakespeare for all
This workshop will expose participants to Shakespeare in a practical way using techniques of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
“Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue: but if you mouth it, as many of your players do, I had as lief the town-crier spoke my lines.”
Just act!
Theatre skills for everyone. Exposure to various techniques in a fun way.
Butoh! Yes!
Exploration of Butoh in a practical way.
Wilson and Lepage.
Practical exploration of the world of these contemporary theatre-makers.
“You must not make the mistake of thinking that because nothing lasts, nothing matters.”
Perceval and Van Hove.
Exercises and dramaturgical exploration of these giants of contemporary European Theatre.
“For me theatre is a subversive world”